My new book

Suck It In!

The Proven Solution to Eliminate

LOW BACK PAIN FOREVER and… Get a Flatter Stomach

has been released!

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A new book written by:
Christine Lynders,
with illustrations by: Joseph F. Lynders

Meet Christine.

I am so excited to share my new book with you. This evidence-based book will teach you the one thing you've been missing to end your low back pain once and for all, regardless of how long you've suffered.  This book will teach you the simplest, most effective strategy to stabilize your spine from the inside out.  Your transversus abdominis is the missing link! Buy my book now and learn how to activate YOUR anatomical girdle to be done with back pain forever!

*You may also reference the article I published in the 2019 HSS Journal titled, “The Critical Role of Development of the Transversus Abdominis in the Prevention and Treatment of Low Back Pain.”


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"Life is better when you listen to your physical therapist."

-Christine Lynders

"Life is better when you listen to your physical therapist." -Christine Lynders